
I justify myself to release and relieve my guilt.
I mislead you, abuse you and release my guilt.
I profess, lead me not into temptation,
cause it can find me itself.
You see, its all around us showering me
with golden urine rain
through the eye of my pain,
a window inside out
and framed in guilt.

My phallic ego masturbate me through you
to justification. Here I gooh ahh, I gooh ahh,
I give you my guilt.

No need to thank me.
It was nothing more

than what was done to me. It was nothing really.
I'm just sharing it withyounow
to keep up the tradition.
Passin' it on as it were.

Again, no need to thank me.
Its that least I can do in my insatiable need
to release my guilt.
But I am not trying to be rude
as others are better at it than I am.

They are the ones who raped me
to relieve their blue balls of guilt
in order to justify themselves.
Even though someone else set the fire
they inherited this tradition

and made it their mission
and we were burnt.
However, when it came
to take the blame
there they were
and then there they weren't.

They relieved their guilt
by sticking their dicks
into my ears
ejaculating prematurely
leaving behind V. D.,
a Virtual Dis-ease
for power positions,
power figures,
power situations
and power symbols.

They abused me, used me
and gave me their guilt.
Now I give to you.

Wait - a - second.
I am starting to see a pattern through the smoke of deception.
I don't like what I see!
Hey! I don't like this tradition.

Ya, You up there. Do you really care?
What are you hiding behind that mask?
No more like before! Next time, I ask,
see that I am trying to respect myself by listening to others.
Next time, I ask, see that I am trying to respect myself.
Next time, I ask, see that I am trying to respect.
Next time, I ask, see that I am trying.

Next time, I ask, see that respect.
Next time, I ask, see that.
Next time, I ask, see.
Next time, ask!




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