Never Too Much

Birthed into a paradox I had to asked if I was;
too blind to speak, too deaf to see,
too quiet to cry, too vocal to hear,
too strong to feel, too proud to change,
too happy to hurt or to brave to kill?

Maybe I am too smart to know, too aware to be stupid?
This self-inflected social dilemma sparked me to ponder
did I appear too rich to spend, too poor to save,
to selfish to hoard, too generous to bother
or was I too hungry to eat, too full to fast,
too alone to meat, too crowded to flee,
to lost to be found while being too saved to pray?

Did I look too rested to stand, too tired to sleep,
to asleep to dream, too awake to think

while being too bored to yawn?

Have you ever decided if someone was too discontented to loath,
too dissatisfied to condemn or that life was too precious to value,
too extreme to balance.

Or is it up to you to say when it is too little too late
and too much too little to be or not to be, there,
to think or not to think?.

While you think about it I will drink a little too much from a good thing,
out of sight, beyond your eyes.
Ask me and maybe I'll share a sip of it with you.




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